Thursday, 28 June 2012

Rainbow Net

Thank you to those who made suggestions on getting organised. I have started lists and this week has been a really productive week. I have also managed to get loads sorted around the house...a good spring clean is good for the soul. The shed is full of stuff to take to a car boot and have a box full to ebay!!

Now for a bit of artist sharing..for those who know Stella Adams-Schofield she is very good at sharing lots of artists work on Facebook, practically, if not everyday, there is something new to feast your creative eyes on. Today she has posted artist Toshiko Horiuchi-MacAdam's 'Rainbow Net' and I think its awesome. 

For more information and images check out this link:

Enjoy!! xx

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Getting Organised

It is my mission this summer (if we can call it that) is to get organised. I always think that Im well organised but I could be better. With my stall and the pressure of university next year is going to be busier than the last. A 5000 word dissertation isn't to bad but its certainly a lot of writing....which is never my speciality. So any tips would be welcome...i know the obvious diaries, wall planner (im def investing in one of these) but if there is something that someone knows please do share. Previously I listed a few and tried some apps but I would be interested in any others. Well I will leave it there and carry on with a report that im writing.
Thanks for reading and get those ideas listed...for those who cant leave comments please feel free to list them on my facebook. Cheers xxx

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Link for dyslexia study skills

I have recently found this link which may be useful for those studying with dyslexia...hope it helps!

A woman talks to you which is great!!!

Trip, Dissertation and Exhibition

Does anyone have anything nice planned for their summer break?? Im off to Romania to learn some traditional crafts. Will be there for four weeks throughout August....looking forward to it but a little nervous as I have never been so far away from home on my own, eek! Am sure it will be amazing though!! What else is there...oh yeah...a dissertation!! 5000 words isn't to bad but am finding it hard to relax with it hanging over my head...must try though. Any dissertation tips are welcome! Tonight is the pre view to the third year contemporary applied arts exhibition. Should be good, have already seen the work but the pre view show is always good. Helping out serving drinks with the lovely Kat....will try not to drink to much but one or two is allowed. If I get a chance I will take some photos and put the up! xx