Sunday, 26 December 2010

Firstly I would like to wish everyone a merry christmas!
I know its been a couple of weeks since i last updated this but I have had the pleasure of moving, college deadlines and getting ready for christmas!! This is the first time I have had the chance to actually sit down and stop, its been a whirl wind but its all been worth it! I was previously stuck in a room, which was a good size but with all my stuff in it there was hardly room to swing a cat (not that I would do that being an animal lover) and not much room for creativity to flow. Now I am in a house where I have plenty of room to be able to get the creativity flowing. I have a project called Fibre Arts and on our last day before christmas we learnt how to knit. I have got some needles and wool together and this afternoon I plan to knit. My boyfriend Paul bought me a lovely book called 'Stitch and Bitch', it gives step by step instructions and patterns. It even shows how to knit for left handers like myself, this is called continental knitting (I quite like the sound of that). Knitting has come back into fashion and I recommend everyone having a try. Its very therapeutic and at the end of it you have made something which is very rewarding! It takes a little while to get into the memento, so dont give up straight away! I found it a little difficult as Im cack handed but I am determined to master it so everyone will be getting scarfs next year for christmas!! 
This time of year can be difficult for some people. With family and loved ones passed I would like to send my thoughts to those who have lost and for everyone to take a minute just to think about these people. 
We must also cherish the time we spend with our family and friends and celebrate with a spot of knitting!

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